Saturday, September 2, 2023
12:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Pioneer Courthouse Square
A day of Worship, Ministry, Healing, & Bringing the
Love of the Father to Downtown Portland.
Get Involved
Click the link above to fill out the volunteer form for 2023. Someone will contact you after you have filled it out.
If you want to help the event by donating financially please click the link above.
Jesus was the original ambassador of heaven and what he taught demonstrated the kingdom of Heaven. He often showed His Father’s heart and intention for people by bringing healing and restoration to the whole person--body, soul and spirit. The kingdom of Heaven is still being demonstrated in the same way today through those who have a personal relationship with God. Those needing physical, mental or emotional healing will be invited to come receive ministry from trained healing and deliverance teams.
Messages from Heaven
In Heaven, no person’s life goes unnoticed- even the number of hairs on our head are accounted for as well as God’s good intentions and plans for our lives. Many people are wondering if God exists and knows them and if their existence has significance. This will be an opportunity for the God that created everything with his Word to reveal himself and speak destiny and purpose into people’s lives.
Heavenly Art
All beauty and creativity originates with God and is constantly being fueled and inspired when Heaven touches earth. Art can also be used to express what God sees in an individual or speak to something going on in their life. In this booth we will be inviting visitors to come and see art that has been created in the context of worship and let someone craft a prophetic picture specifically for them.
As with art, Heaven is the origin and source of music. Heaven is full of music of all kinds and nearly everything in Heaven makes a contribution to the music there. Over and over again we’ve experienced the presence of God completely take over our times of worship and we believe Heaven will invade the square through the worship and God’s presence will be felt by hundreds throughout the day as they hear and experience true worship.